Participate in our study on Albinism and Sleep!
Some persons with albinism have trouble sleeping, but we do not know yet whether this is related to their albinism.
Everyone has an occasional bad night's sleep. Because of worries, pain or just because. But many people sleep badly every night. Help us to tackle this by filling out a questionnaire via the Internet every now and then, when it suits you.
Some persons with albinism have trouble sleeping, but we do not know yet whether this is related to their albinism.
Most of us have at least once experienced a bad night of sleep. For example because of worries or pain. But some have poor sleep almost every night. Help us solve this by completing online questionnaires every now and then, whenever it suits you. You will get feedback. Data remain anonymous. Everyone can help, not only poor sleepers. Actually people who always sleep well have the secret to good sleep without even realizing it!
If you participate you can also get our newsletter, and invitations for more extensive research.
Participating is simple. New participants first register anonymously by clicking on the button below. If you are already a participant, click 'log in' to start the next test or to invite someone from your family, which will make your participation even more valuable!
Solving insomnia: everyone thinks it's important. Here you can see why Dutch people, some well-known, participate in this test.
Mythologie en slaap 37 Als je een goede nachtrust wilt hebben, moet je volgens de Chinese mythologie een offer van thee of wijn brengen aan de godin Chuang-Mu. Zij is de godin van de bedden en slaapkamer en alles wat daarin plaats vindt.